Kitchen Certification requirements

Your Kitchen certification requirements are essential to opening and running a food industry establishment. So let Orbital Cleaning help you attain all the relevant certificates.

Our experienced catering services team, have a broad knowledge of the catering and hospitality industry. Using this skilled and connected team enables us to uniquely extend beyond the usual service provided within the cleaning industry.

Through this service, one of our projects team will visit and identify your requirements. They will then work with you, to book engineer appointments and help find solutions to any shortfalls. With a targeted end result of a completely compliant kitchen and smooth continuation of your business.

The team can provide you firstly with your certificate of cleanliness, when we clean your extract systems. Secondly, they can remedy hygiene issues and cleaning difficulties that are potential EHO compliance flags.

In addition to this, we can organise for all other relevant inspections to be made. This will provide you with the means to easily establish all the regulatory kitchen certification requirements you need to run your catering business.

To find out more about this service, drop us a line in the contact form at the bottom of the page.

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