Environmental Health is key in the running of any successful food business. Orbital Cleaning can develop EHO compliance and recovery packages to suit your needs.

Why Orbital cleaning take EHO compliance and recovery seriously

Why would we not, we hear you say.

And we agree.

Which is why we formed a dedicated catering services team, where all members have experience in the catering industry.

The team is selected from skilled operatives. Their experience comes from the catering, catering engineering, industrial cleaning and hospitality management areas.

Combined, this experience enables us to execute your project requirements with ease, efficiency and high levels of effectiveness.

What you will get from your EHO readiness survey.

Clients use this service for various reasons.

Some have been requested to address environmental or food safety issues, following a inspection.

Others have areas of their food establishment, that raise concerns regarding safety or hygiene and want to address these.

We also have clients who have just taken over an establishment and need to get their food preparation areas ready to open.

Whether you have just taken on a new premises, are looking to address your recurring issues or have been requested to address issues by an EHO officer, we can help.

Firstly we will come in and survey your establishment. The surveyor will then discuss the findings, during which we will also discuss your needs and aspirations.

A project proposal plan will then be formulated and costed. Having experienced the world of hospitality, we create this plan to have the least impact on your business, both operationally and financially.

On agreement of a plan of action, a project manager will be assigned to your business and an appropriate team will be created.

The team, under the guidance of the project manager, will then address these needs. This will give you the safe, compliant and easy to maintain kitchen environment you will be proud of.

To find out more about this service, drop us a line using the contact box below, or give us a call.

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